Monday, 28 July 2014



这一年来,搬来几户南亚家庭。天天开大嗓门在家里、门口、走廊、还有电梯间嚷嚷。顿时间好像生活在小印度 =_=

昨天当我听到那整5、6个小时的潮语交流会,首次我不再厌恶,反而觉得有一股重温的亲切感,好温暖,好温暖(^ ^)


Happy Teacher's Day Card 2014

This may be our last Teacher's Day card jointly crafted by my son and I. 

I believe after my son graduating from secondary school by end of this year, our card making activity would be suspended :)

I'm glad to have found the colourful glittering foam sheets from Popular Book store which really liven up the card. 

A beautiful card to mark my son's final year as a secondary school student. And I'm glad to be part of this creation Y(^_^)Y